Saturday, January 21, 2012

Personalized Foot Print Stool

This was included in my little man's nursery post, but I love it so much that I thought it deserved it's own post! Little man's nursery has a higher window ledge than other rooms in our house and he loves looking out the window.... so he needed a foot stool!

I found this simple stool at Micheal's. I painted it with the Silver Sage paint I had color matched at Home Depot to match Restoration Hardware Baby and Child's Silver Sage paint.

I then taped off a boarder using blue painters tape and painted a nice dark chocolate boarder. Then I had little man help with his foot prints! I then used my Silhouette to stencil on his name - in case we forget whose feet they are! I still need to add the date - because that is WHAT I will forget!
Perfect for looking out the window!! And perfect size for little feet!


  1. Aw... the footprints are too cute! What a wonderful keepsake!

  2. This is just the cutest thing! The little footprints how precious:)

  3. Adorable! Fantastic idea.

  4. I love this! Super cute and he'll be amazed at how small his feet once were. You've inspired me with this. I'll be pinning this as well. I'm your newest follower. Thanks for posting!

    1. Thanks for the pin and the follow!! It's so crazy to see how much bigger his feet have already gotten since we made this!!

  5. Liam's stool is adorable :)

    Visiting from Crafty, Scrappy, Happy linky party :) Thanks for sharing with us!
    ~Smiles, Suzanne in NW Illinois

  6. Awww.... I love it! Definitely sharing this w/my FB readers (later today). I love that it is fuctional, creative, and such a cute keepsake!!!

  7. This is so adorable! I love how simple yet special it is.

  8. I love it! This will be special forever! Thanks for sharing, visiting via Under $100 Linky Party

  9. ohhh, how incredibly sweet! Your little footstool is darling!
    thanks for linking up to catch as catch can.

  10. Such a cute little footstool! That's a cute idea!

    Thanks for sharing at Tell it to Me Tuesday!

    @ Creatively Living

  11. I wanted to let you know that you inspired me to redecorate our stool too. If you get a chance stop over and check it out. Thanks again for sharing.

  12. What an adorable idea! What better way to really make it feel like HIS stool. :-)
