Check it out! (This is a VERY long post, just look at the pictures if you don't want to read it all!!!)

My craft room somehow had become a place for things we did not know what to do with and didn't really ever look at, including photo albums, wedding pictures and books. So I needed to figure out a plan for all of these things.
My craft room also needed to hold my small amount of office supplies.
How I solved my issues...
How I solved my issues...
The closet - is SO organized! I have 3 plastic drawer bins in there divided up and labeled, a large drawer of paint and bins and bins and BINS of labeled organized craft supplies!! Examples of my drawers / bins are: adhesives, canvas, office supplies, wooden things, iron ons, party supplies, Silhouette Vinyl, paper, and on and on. This closet is so organized! I used wooden skirt hangers to hang some of my favorite fabric to be more visible. Neatly behind the closet door I have my large frames / canvases stacked up and on the upper shelf I have way too much pillow stuffing. I also have fabric in a bin on the floor. When I accumulate more hangers I plan to hang more fabric! To maximize space I even hung an extra shelf under the bottom closet shelf to hold more fabric.

As I was trying to figure out where to put the last few craft supply items, I had blocks and embroidery hoops and I could not figure out where to put them.... it took me 3 seconds to realize I had already made a drawer and labeled it Wooden Items.... duh, so easy to organize things when you really have a place for EVERYTHING!!! And next time I want either of those things I know exactly where they are!!
My desk! I wanted to keep the table top as clear as possible! But I also wanted to keep the tools I frequently use within my reach. A few weeks back I was at a Scrapbook store that was closing and picked up this display shelf that I spray painted black. I added ribbon "hangers" to items that I could not hang, so I could put them on my display shelf. (Don't judge my scissors collection!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Fiskars Scissors :) )

I moved a black heavy duty decorative shelf from the basement to right above my desk so I could also help keep things off of the table top. The shelf is nice because it is sturdy so it can hold my pen carosole and pins, buttons, etc. It is also nice because it keeps my pins and other sharp items off the table top so its one more step my little man has to go through to get to things he should not. The shelf also allows me a space to store my sewing machine!

One issue I had when I started the challenge was how to deal with the non-craft things that needed to be in this room like my husband's diploma's (Because I still have not figured out a place for them? Where do other people hang theirs???) But after thinking about it I like them in the craft room. My hubby took a big leap going back to school after we were established in our lives so its a nice reminder that we really can do anything we put our minds too!!
For my larger stencils I used a Command Adhesive hook to hang behind the door! Once closed you don't even see these are there!

Another HUGE HUGE HUGE problem I have is I start a project, and it fails, I get distracted, or I need to finish something else first... so I would have projects piled up on my table, taking away valuable crafting space and adding to my clutter problem. So I was 100% realistic and created 2 small "Current Projects" tins and one large "Current Project" tote. These are not places to throw crap but places to store projects I am working on. So in my two current project tins I have a St. Patrick's day shirt for little man and a project for his birthday. In my large plastic tote I have lots of supplies for his birthday party. To stop hoarding and procrastination, if a project has been in the "current project" bin for more than a month it needs to go!! It either needs to be finished, called a craft fail and trashed or "taken apart" and moved back into it's proper supply location! I am very happy I created these bins and know they will help to keep me organized, motivated and hopefully prevent me from doing too many projects at one time!!

I did not keep a tally of how much I spent, but A LOT of this I already had. All of the frames on the wall I re-purposed except for the red mirror which was $3 from Good Will. I did hit up Target for a lot of storage items, but several were from the Dollar Aisle (some were in the $2.50 part, but still) So I would estimate my total cost right around $100.
Can you believe what this room started like? It looks like I am one step away from being on hoarders!
It was a lot of work and time, but I really had too much stuff in that room and once I went through and took out three huge boxes for charity it really was a good starting off point!! Once that was done it took time of organizing the things that did not belong in the room and finding a new ORGANIZED home for it!